3MDR Volunteering Policy 


The purpose of this Policy is to clearly define the role of volunteers at 3MDR and to set out best practice principles to guide the management of volunteers. This Policy has been developed by taking into consideration the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement, which was developed by Volunteering Australia. The National Standards provide a framework to ensure the successful engagement of volunteers and is designed to:

  • Incorporate the values and maximise the benefits of volunteer involvement
  • Develop effective volunteer involvement strategies and practices
  • Involve volunteers in meaningful and useful activities that contribute to the outcomes of the organisation’s work, and
  • Ensure the rights of volunteers are protected and that they are supported to carry out their roles and responsibilities.


Policy Statement

3MDR recognises and values the commitment and contribution that volunteers make to enhance our community. Furthermore, 3MDR recognises the important role volunteering plays in enriching participation and enhancing the wellbeing of individuals. Volunteer opportunities are offered to meet the needs of our community, the individuals themselves and 3MDR, and in doing so, volunteering will:

  • Enhance and extend the provision of services, programs and activities provided for the community,
  • Provide opportunities for social interaction and connection,
  • Foster and enhance community participation,
  • Increase awareness and participation in 3MDR activities, and
  • Assist volunteers to develop skills, knowledge and awareness and therefore provide professional and personal development.

3MDR are committed to operating in accordance with applicable legislation and regulations, in accordance with organisational policy and procedures, and ethically in the engagement
of volunteers.



Volunteering Australia defines volunteering as “time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain.”

3MDR defines volunteers as individuals who:

  • Willingly give their time without financial gain to benefit the community and 3MDR
  • Are registered with and have the approval of 3MDR to undertake activities in designated volunteer positions
  • Undertake activities that complement and enhance but do not replace the services provided by 3MDR employees.

The following persons, for the purpose of the Policy, are not considered volunteers:

  • 3MDR employees
  • Individuals on work placement or work experience programs.



Volunteer engagement at 3MDR is led by the following principles:

  • Leadership and Management: Staff and the Committee of Management lead and promote a positive culture towards volunteering and implement effective management systems to support volunteer involvement
  • Commitment to Volunteer Involvement: Commitment to volunteer involvement is set through vision, planning and resourcing which supports 3MDR’s strategic direction
  • Volunteer Roles: Volunteers are engaged in meaningful roles which contribute to 3MDR’s purpose, goals, and objectives
  • Recruitment and Selection: Volunteer recruitment and selection strategies are planned, consistent and meet the needs of the organisation and volunteers
  • Support and Development: Volunteers understand their role and gain the knowledge, skills, and feedback to perform their role safely and effectively
  • Workplace Safety and Wellbeing: The health, safety and wellbeing of volunteers is protected in the workplace
  • Volunteer Recognition: Volunteer contribution, value and impact is understood, appreciated, and acknowledged
  • Quality Management and Continuous Improvement: Effective volunteer involvement results from a system of good practice, review, and continuous improvement.


Staff and the Committee of Management set standards for the recruitment and training of volunteers based on gaps in the skills matrix, and as informed by needs within the volunteer workforce of the organisation. Volunteers must read and be familiar with all relevant Policy and Procedure documents, and conduct themselves within the bounds of the Code of Conduct as signed by each volunteer recruited to 3MDR.


Rights and Responsibilities

Volunteers are integral to the operations of 3MDR and we value the contribution they make. 

Volunteers at 3MDR have the right to: 

  • Be heard
  • Orientation at 3MDR
  • Recognition as a valued team member 
  • Clarification of their role  
  • Agreement about hours and conditions (through the volunteer agreement) 
  • Access to initial and ongoing training to perform duties to the required standard
  • Information and consultation on matters and duties directly or indirectly affecting them 
  • Support and supervision in their role
  • Access to relevant information about 3MDR, such as volunteer and organisational policies
  • Adequate insurance cover and a healthy, safe work environment 
  • Clear and open communication from employees, other volunteers and the Committee of Management 
  • Have their personal information respected and kept confidential by employees and the Committee of Management
  • Awareness of 3MDR’s grievance procedure 
  • Reimbursement for approved out-of-pocket expenses 
  • Freedom of choice (including refusing positions that may then be filled by paid staff rather than volunteers) 
  • Holiday breaks.


Volunteers have the responsibility to: 

  • Commit to their volunteer position 
  • Be punctual and reliable 
  • Carry out the duties required of their role
  • Notify in advance any changes to their availability or commitment
  • Notify 3MDR of any changes in contact details or personal circumstances relevant to their role
  • Accept responsibility for their actions and behaviour 
  • Notify 3MDR of any potential hazards or dangerous situation
  • Abide by 3MDR’s volunteer policies 
  • Deal with complaints in the appropriate manner 
  • Respect the rights and privacy of others
  • Support other team members and ask for support when needed
  • Give advance notice before leaving 3MDR 
  • Be committed to the philosophy of 3MDR and community engaged broadcasting
  • Keep confidential information of a sensitive nature 
  • Hold a current Working With Children Check.


Related Documents

Code of Conduct for Volunteers

Child Safety Policy


Policy number CON-003 Version 01
Drafted by Nat Grant & CoM Policy sub-committee Approved by Committee of Management on Sep 12, 2023
Responsible persons Committee of Management Scheduled review date 2025


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