
There are many different ways to get involved with your local community radio station 3MDR…

  • Are you interested in becoming a presenter?
  • Or volunteering in the office or around the homestead?
  • Do you have experience in the garden or with audio technology?
  • Do you enjoy writing articles or making playlists?
  • Are you a spreadsheet or social media nerd?
  • We are also looking to add new members to our Committee of Management and various subcommittees, and for volunteers to help out at events.

Get in touch with us and let’s see how we can get you on board!

Phone the office on 9752 5637 or email office@3mdr.com

Current track



After more things to listen to?

Head over to the programs page to find our latest and greatest.

Current show

The Music Garden

5:00 pm 7:00 pm


After more things to listen to?

Head over to the programs page to find our latest and greatest.