Upwey South Primary School Kicking Goals!!!

Written by on August 16, 2024

How good is this article from the ABC on our landlord Upwey South Primary School!!

How a change in teaching styles transformed life and NAPLAN scores at Upwey South Primary School
By national education and parenting reporter Conor Duffy and the Specialist Reporting Team’s Evan Young

For most schools, it doesn’t get much better than seeing academic scores skyrocket.

At Upwey South Primary School, in Melbourne’s outer-eastern suburbs, that is exactly what has happened.

In the past six years, its NAPLAN results across the board have surged — in reading alone, scores lifted by a massive 70 points.

But principal Damien Kitch is even prouder of something else.

“Whilst NAPLAN’s really great … our actual real measure of success is that the students get up in the morning, they check their watch and they’re like, ‘yes, it’s a school day’,” he said.

>> Read more here <<

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