Ticker Arts Studio Fire

Written by on February 6, 2024

From Ticker Arts Studio:

Hello Everyone ,
We wanted to update you all on the fire we had at Ticker Art studio just before christmas .
It’s been a stressful period of waiting and not knowing.
The fire was sadly much worse than we all first thought . Whilst the front looks untouched the back of the building has been deemed unsafe and lost.
We have been told the space is going to be rebuilt but they claim it is going to take 6-12 months. Unfortunately this means our doors will remain shut while the space is being rebuilt.. Several of the studios and workshop spaces have been severely damaged and the loss of fabric, machinery, stock, art materials and original artwork exceeds our insurance.
Our studio artists and workshop teachers have lost their work space, livelihood and we are all heartbroken.
Thank you to everyone for reaching out and for your support so far.
We are looking for a temporary home or the option of containers we can convert to work out of in the car park while we rebuild. Any leads or contacts would be greatly appreciated.
Our lovely friends have started a go fund me page which will help us give back to all the artists that have lost so much. The possibility to help rehome us and keep us going so we have a business to reopen.
Here’s the go fund me link and we appreciate any help or shares .
All our Love Lucy and Nikki

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