STAMPS ~ The Avisar-Bear Ensemble: A Music Review

Written by on May 24, 2024

STAMPS – The Avisar-Bear Ensemble (Adar Avisar, Misha Bear, Haim Romano) 

It must have been some five years ago when I first came across Misha, and her then band, and I was immediately taken with her chameleon-like voice and compositions.

Stamps is very different to her previous work and in working with Adar, a new version of Misha is breaking out chrysalis like.

All due credit must be given to the musos working with her on STAMPS as they create such a full and wholesome sound, the likes of which many would like to aspire to but do not reach.

Bikie opens the album with a semi classical introduction which merges straight into some rock, backed with incredible lead guitar and, of course, Misha’s vocals. I will not write anything about the lyrics, as good as they are, as you need to listen to this yourself and be taken aback. Suffice it for me to say that Joan Jett, in her heyday, would have loved this.

Keeping Score follows this and is so different that it draws you in breathless from the previous number. Misha has this ability to move from one genre to another, leaving you wanting more, and there are few musos who are capable of this.

The album consists of 17 tracks and 17 versions of Misha; how many others can do this? No one comes to mind.

It is as though the move to Canada, from Australia, has shaken that Aussie Desert sand off her and opened her voice to something new.

Black Magic Wand is an indictment, as such, of the modern world, but with its gripping musical score this tends to be overlooked until one relistens to the track. Misha has this ability to allow her voice to become a part of the musical backing whilst keeping it to the fore as well. Absolutely brilliant!

‘How can I fall, when I’m not on my feet’; Who could have thought of such words, especially in the context of this song?

If you like Jazz, Rock, Blues and more, then this is the album for you.

STAMPS must and should gain a chart position, if only to prove that good, inventive, and innovative music is still readily available.

This must be Misha’s Midas album.


Tony Bates

Uncut & Unsigned

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