Social Media Policy

Social and Online Media Policy

Policy Statement

3MDR values the benefits of social media to build meaningful relationships with its listeners, subscribers, guests, staff, volunteers, stakeholders and the local community. It encourages staff, presenters and volunteers to actively participate in and to use online platforms for the benefit of 3MDR. 3MDR also recognises the evolving nature of these platforms and acknowledges that this policy is intended to provide a reduction in risk for both 3MDR and its staff, presenters and volunteers. 3MDR recognises social media platforms are mechanisms to remain approachable, transparent and accountable throughout our operations.

3MDR will utilise social media platforms to:

  • provide a monitored forum for feedback, discussion and community engagement relevant to the role of the station;
  • distribute information about 3MDR broadcasts, live music, events, community information and messages from our subscribers and sponsors;
  • increase communications between the station and the broader community;
  • reflect our commitment as an accountable and transparent community broadcaster;
  • measure engagement including feedback trends, regular commentary and online traffic;
  • provide digital branding, marketing and promotional opportunities;
  • foster an open, respectful and encouraging environment to celebrate the station.



This policy applies to 3MDR staff, volunteers, presenters, and members, and their use of social media to highlight 3MDR’s social media presence, either on station equipment or a person’s own device. This policy is in place to ensure that 3MDR’s online output doesn’t do anyone harm. It applies to the use of the 3MDR brand, marketing, and information dissemination.

Social Media 

Any website or application where people can engage with one another via text or images is regarded as social media. 3MDR refers to the following types of websites as examples of ‘social media’*: 

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Whatsapp, X, LinkedIn, Wechat, Reddit, Messenger, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, Blogs, Forums and discussion groups such as Wikipedia.

*This list is not comprehensive or exhaustive and will change as new social media platforms evolve and established platforms retire.

Social Media can be an important tool to strengthen relationships with stakeholders. 

Who can post to 3MDR social media?

3MDR’s social media sites are managed by the staff of 3MDR and nominated volunteers.

How is this monitored?

The social media output of the station and input by others is monitored regularly by staff.

What are the responsibilities of people who have access to the organisation’s social media tools?

A person posting to the station’s social media platforms is representing the station.  This policy provides guidance on the poster’s responsibilities.

Material posted by others

If anyone is aware of any material posted by others which may damage 3MDR or its reputation, they must immediately notify the station manager and/or Committee of Management. Staff or Committee of Management members are authorised to remove material posted by others as appropriate.

Social Media Policy 

The social media guidelines below set out the expectations for how social media should be used for the benefit of 3MDR, and apply to all staff and volunteers using them on behalf of 3MDR, and when referring to 3MDR. The guidelines do not apply to volunteers’ or staff personal use of online platforms where no reference is made to 3MDR. 

Staff members and volunteers should:

  • be polite to all individuals and communities with whom they interact with on online platforms;
  • be respectful of other people’s opinions, even in times of online debate; 
  • ensure that any content they publish is factually accurate and complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth);
  • only offer comments on topics that fall within their area of responsibility at 3MDR. For other matters, alert the relevant topic expert and, if the situation requires a timely response, let the relevant person know that the request needs a timely response;
  • not post material that is obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful to another person or entity, including 3MDR, its volunteers, competitors and/or other business related individuals or organisations; 
  • not make comments which might reflect negatively on 3MDR’s reputation or make deliberately false or misleading claims about 3MDR and its operations;
  • ensure they do not disclose other people’s personal information within social media platforms;
  • not disclose confidential 3MDR information or intellectual property, for example financial details, business plans, imminent departure of key people, etc;
  • ensure that they do not misconstrue their personal comments in their own social media profiles as representing an official 3MDR position.  Identify their role at 3MDR when they refer to 3MDR, its volunteers, competitors and/or other 3MDR business-related individuals or organisations;
  • be mindful of the importance of not damaging 3MDR’s reputation and/or bringing 3MDR into disrepute. 

3MDR Email and Messaging

3MDR recognises that staff, presenters and volunteers need access to email, messaging  and internet systems to assist in the efficient and professional delivery of services. 3MDR  supports the right of staff, presenters and volunteers to have access to reasonable personal use of the internet and email communications in the workplace.


Staff, presenters and volunteers will be allocated 3MDR email addresses as required to participate in the running of the station and to assist them in carrying out the duties of their employment or engagement.

Acceptable Use of 3MDR Wi-fi  / Internet Search Platforms

Staff, presenters and volunteers may use the internet and email access provided by 3MDR for:

  • any 3MDR work and work-related purposes;
  • limited personal use (see below);
  • permitted extended personal use (see below).

Limited personal use is permitted where it: 

  • is infrequent and brief;
  • does not interfere with the duties of the employee or his/her colleagues;
  • does not interfere with the operation of 3MDR;
  • does not compromise the security of the 3MDR systems;
  • does not impact on 3MDR’s electronic storage capacity;
  • does not decrease 3MDR’s network performance (e.g. large email attachments can decrease system performance and potentially cause system outages);  
  • does not incur any additional expense for 3MDR;
  • does not violate any laws;
  • does not compromise any confidentiality requirements of 3MDR.


Permitted extended personal use 

It is recognised that there may be times when staff, presenters and volunteers need to use the internet or email for extended personal use.  An example of this could be when a staff member needs to use the internet to access a considerable amount of materials related to study they are undertaking.  In these situations it is expected that: 

  • the staff member advise and negotiate this use with the Station Manager;
  • the time spent on the internet replaces all or part of a staff member’s break/s for that day, or that they adjust their timesheet accordingly for that day.

It is not expected that staff need to advise or negotiate with the Manager for personal use that would be reasonably considered to be of a limited nature.


Unacceptable use

Staff, presenters and volunteers may not use internet or email access (including internal email access) provided by 3MDR  to:

  • create or exchange messages that are offensive, harassing, obscene, humiliating, intimidating or threatening to another person including on the basis of race, gender, sexual preference, disability or discrimination;
  •  knowingly visit web sites containing objectionable, sexually explicit, pornographic, discriminatory or criminal material;
  • exchange any confidential or sensitive information held by 3MDR (unless in the authorised course of their duties);
  • create, store or exchange information in violation of copyright laws (including the uploading or downloading of commercial software, games, music or movies);
  • use internet-enabled activities such as gambling, gaming, conducting a business or conducting illegal activities;
  • create or exchange advertisements, solicitations, chain letters and other unsolicited or bulk email;
  • upload un-approved software (malicious or otherwise) to 3MDR’s IT systems/equipment;
  • play games during work time.

Presenter social media sites

3MDR encourages individual presenters to promote their show using social media; however they must be aware of station guidelines and understand their online publishing obligations as described below. Social media can be a great complement to Presenter program webpages on the 3MDR website, as a place to get audience feedback, share webpage content, inform the audience and engage more broadly with people who share the presenter’s area of special interest. 3MDR are happy for the presenter to do so, provided that they identify themself and the station appropriately:

  • When setting up a Facebook, Instagram or other social media site for the presenter’s  program, make it clearly visible that it is a radio program which airs on 3MDR 97.1 and online at
  • Add the following disclaimer: “This is not an official 3MDR site. Content on this page is not endorsed by 3MDR.” 
  • The presenter is permitted to incorporate the official station logo provided that they link to the 3MDR website from that logo where possible. Contact engagement@3mdr for the up to date logo
  • If incorporating the station logo on a program’s Facebook page, make sure users can always see the 3MDR logo, and that the page links to the 3MDR website. 3MDR encourages presenters to share login details with station management, however, the presenter’s feeds will not be monitored.
  • Presenters must promote the 3MDR social media accounts (e.g. Facebook and Instagram) on air and in writing as the primary source of social media about 3MDR. 
  • Presenters are encouraged to mention show-specific social media accounts on air, while also promoting 3MDR’s social media accounts. 
  • While broadcasting, Presenters may not promote their own personal website, or their own personal social media accounts. Presenters may post a link on the presenter’s program page, should they wish to direct others to such secondary sources.

Breaching this policy

If a volunteer or member of staff is found to have breached this policy they will be given a verbal warning in the first instance. If anyone makes comments or posts on 3MDR social media that breaches this policy, their comments or posts may be removed. If a person is found to have breached the policy a second time, they will cease to have access to 3MDR’s social media platforms. If a breach of this policy is deemed sufficiently serious, the Station Manager and/or the Committee of Management can decide to take further action. If a person is deemed to have breached the guidelines above, they may face disciplinary action, which may result in the termination of their membership, program, employment and/or privileges with 3MDR. 

3MDR may use and disclose 3MDR social media posts where that use or disclosure is:

  1. for a purpose related to the employment of any employee or related to 3MDR’s business activities;
  2. to a law enforcement agency in connection with an offence;or 
  3. in connection with legal proceedings; or
  4. reasonably believed to be necessary to avert an imminent threat of serious violence to any person or substantial damage to property.

3MDR may also recover any costs incurred as a result of a breach of these guidelines from the person/parties involved. 

Related Documents:

Privacy Policy 

Privacy Procedure

Bullying, discrimination and harassment and other negative behaviours policy

Presenter Agreement

Employment Contract

Code of Conduct of Committee members


Policy number ENG-008 Version 01
Drafted by Nat Grant & 3MDR Policy Subcommittee Approved by CofM on Jun 11, 2024
Responsible persons Committee of Management Scheduled review date 2025


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