The Imaginary Friends Show

With Peej and Elliot

Scheduled on

Tuesday 6:00 am 9:00 am

A music mix and ramblings to get Tuesday underway.

A music mix and ramblings to get Tuesday underway.

Broadcasting from the historic Forest Park Homestead studio in the township of Upwey, an hour east of Melbourne Victoria, Peej, Elliot and maybe even Elaine hope you enjoy some nonsensical ramblings interspersed with great tunes to tap the toes to. We love independent Australian music and spin tunes from local artists over the 3 hours…Sometimes we are lucky enough to have a live performance on the show….quite rare given that 6am is not the friendliest of times for musos…but you never know….

Elliot will be in to do the weather so you know what to wear….but remember if you’re listening to an earlier episode, please do not base your wardrobe decisions on this idiot’s interpretation of the Australian Government’s Bureau of Meteorology website….and maybe even Elaine will do a half arsed surf report when she remembers….

Occasionally there may be a little dead air….our silent panel operator who we shall not name is responsible for all dead air….he considers dead air helps you absorb a musical bracket before we open our mouths and ramble on….

Join us live on community radio 3MDR 97.1fm every Tuesday morning from 6am or enjoy previous episodes via this show page….

We love a bit of involvement from the community whether they be listening live on 97.1fm or via the wonders of modern technologies available to access this thing they call the information super highway……what will they think of next!?

Request a tune, express your delight, or disappointment, in Elliot’s weather report……or just have a random chat with an imaginary friend……so super easy…… you can contact Peej or Elliot or maybe even Elaine through cyberspace at


The Imaginary Friends Show would like to thank the following subscribers:


Best friends for life

Poor Xcuse

Pete from Koo Wee Rup

Damien from Murrembeena

Business subscribers

AJA Arboriculture

Upwey Music

Performer & Community Group Subscribers

2 Inch Tape

Ol’ Shep Dawg Hisself

North Dandy Gospel Choir

Eastern Newsbeat

Link Community Transport

Outer Eastern Local Learning Employment Network (OELLEN)

Murky Melbourne


Listener subscribers

Sue from Selby | Stuart and family from Clayton South | Greggy B from St Petersburg, Florida | Cath from Upwey | Rowdy Robert and Lee of Briar Hill | Rampaging Rosco from Upwey | Vinnieeeeee from Altona Meadows | Hannu from Clematis | Shane from Upwey | Ann and Brian from Forest Hill | Slingsby Browning | Andy from Kew | Caitlyn for Rhon from Northland NZ | Tania Laurie Oscar and Sid from Angelsea | Tex | Jacqui from Upwey

WARNING (for the too easily offended): some content on The Imaginary Friends Show may be offensive to some listeners. We also accept that any stupid comments are more than likely quite possibly probably ill informed at best…….Some tracks contain strong coarse language and adult themes. Remember you always have the power to switch off…..not that we want you to… know how it is…..anyhoo…thought we’d better put that out there…..

Upwey Music
TIFS Business Subscriber

2 Inch Tape
TIFS Creative Subscriber

Ol’ Shep Dawg Hisself
TIFS Creative Subscriber

Outer Eastern Local Learning Employment Network (OELLEN)
TIFS Community Group Subscriber

Poor Xcuse
TIFS Creative Subscriber


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The Imaginary Friends Show crew

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11:00 am 1:00 pm


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