Programming Update ~ September 2024

Written by on September 2, 2024

Hello Friends,
What a week it’s going to be this week on 3MDR, with three, that’s right, three new shows starting!!
With a fourth not far away either…

Check out the info below and set your alarm clocks!!

There’s also been a bit of movement in the grid, with Amped Up! and Cliffs Edge moving from 6-7pm and 7-8pm Saturdays to 7-8pm and 8-9pm Wednesdays.

Excitingly, we have Isaac, Isabella and Sarah taking the reins of Fresh Air during the school holidays and another ten people have just completed our New Presenter Training, so you can expect some more new shows soon!!

We are also in the middle of swapping our web streaming and ondemand provider, so please be patient with… We’ll have it back to 100% functionality as soon as we can!!

Catch you on the air waves!!
3MDR Programming Sub-Committee


Mad Mile Music Club
Wednesdays 7-9am

The Mad Mile Music Club is a virtual music club that brings the weekend life right into your mid-week morning radio!
Headlining music from across the nation, and the local area, the Mad Mile Music Club’s ‘Green Room Chat’ features artist interviews in our virtual backstage area, while the ‘Bar Stool chats are a good old yarn with our guest of the day, and our virtual stage brings you our Live Track of the Week



Thursdays 3-5pm

My new weekly radio show
My audio obsession on air.
Journey with me into the artful depths of what I have dedicated my life to.
Spiritual science, musicology, archival research & creative expression of frequency and vibration.


Ska Street
Saturdays 2-4pm

Let’s go skankin’ down Ska Street!
Tune in to Ska Street for some laughs and fun music you can dance to! Each week we’ll bring you all the latest ska music and news, including reviews, exclusive interviews and a Melbourne ska gig guide. Whatever type of ska you like, be it first wave, two tone or ska-punk, you’ll hear it on Ska Street!



You Never Can Tell
Tuesdays 9-11am

A music mixed bag with Tina.
Starting October 2024!


Current track



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Current show

The Croatian Show

9:00 pm 12:00 am


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