3MDR Presenter Agreement 

This agreement is ongoing while you are a presenter at 3MDR unless, and until, it is replaced by a revised agreement. 

3MDR Programming Guiding Principles 

  • Promote harmony and diversity and contribute to an inclusive, cohesive and culturally diverse community; 
  • Pursue the principles of democracy, access and equity, especially for people and issues not adequately represented in other media; 
  • Support and advocate for local arts and music; & 
  • Provide an opportunity for community involvement in broadcasting. 

3MDR and Presenter Responsibilities 

3MDR agrees to provide the following: 

  • Mission Statement, Purpose and Objectives and Governing Principles of 3MDR;
  • Policies of 3MDR; 
  • 3MDR Code of Conduct;
  • Community Broadcasting Code of Practice; & 
  • Facilities, training, infrastructure, and a safe working environment that enables the presenter to work in a community radio station as a volunteer broadcaster. 

The presenter agrees to: 

  • Participate in required training; 
  • Read all the documentation provided by 3MDR, in particular the Programming Policy and the Volunteering Policy; & 
  • Abide by the conditions stated below: 

Program Procedures 

  • All presenters & their guests must sign the attendance register on arrival at the station and departure, to meet OH&S and insurance requirements; 
  • If a presenter is unable to do their show, it is their responsibility to find a replacement; 
  • If they are unable to do their show due to an emergency or illness and cannot find a replacement, they should contact the programming committee or 3MDR office as soon as possible (it is also good etiquette to notify the presenters of shows before and after of any changes); 
  • All presenters must arrive at least 10-15 minutes before their show starts; 
  • The on-air presenter must finish their show on time; 
  • The on-air presenter should put their last song or outro on at least 3 minutes before the end of their show; 
  • The incoming presenter sets up the announcement bank at the start of their show;
  • The incoming and outgoing presenters must be mindful of making excessive noise during set up / pack up, so as not to disrupt their neighbouring show, or create background noises while they are on air; 
  • Presenters will ensure that they review and implement any new operational procedures introduced by the Committee of Management or 3MDR staff; & 
  • Presenters will undertake regular assessments to ensure that their skills are current and that station standards are maintained. Assessments may be self-assessed or peer assessed. 

Presenter Codes 

  • All presenters must abide by all the governing bodies of community radio: the CBAA and ACMA; 
  • The presenter/s must not demean or degrade 3MDR in any way on or off air;
  • The presenter/s must not broadcast any material where there is a direct or indirect benefit to the presenter; 
  • The presenter/s on air must not do or say anything to give the view that 3MDR condones the misuse of illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco; 
  • The presenter/s will not smoke or use illegal drugs on station property;
  • Respect is to be given to all other presenters, committee members, volunteers & people of the community at all times; & 
  • Where it is believed a presenter or presenters are non-compliant with these codes, they will be requested to attend a meeting with the Committee of Management of 3MDR which may result in disciplinary action or cancellation of their show/s. 

Program Conditions 

  • Presenters are 3MDR volunteers and have the same rights and responsibilities of all other 3MDR volunteers, as set out in the Volunteering Policy; 
  • All presenters and regular co-presenters must be financial members. No program can proceed without current membership; 
  • Each presenter is expected to volunteer 4 hours per year, outside their show and show preparations, to assist with special events and outside broadcasts; 
  • All presenters must abide by the governing bodies of community radio: the CBAA and ACMA; 
  • Presenters must not broadcast any material that may be detrimental to the station or any persons or group; or that is likely to stereotype, incite, vilify, or perpetuate hatred against, or attempt to demean any person or group, on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, race, language, gender, sexuality, religion, age, physical or mental ability, occupation, cultural belief or political affiliation. Presenters must not broadcast material that includes personal attacks on private individuals nor slanderous or defamatory statements. If you are in doubt about any material, you should discuss it first with the 3MDR station manager office@3mdr.com; 
  • Presenters must not breach copyright when obtaining music or interviews for broadcast;
  • Presenters must not use their position at 3MDR for personal gain. Excessive promotion of personal events is not permitted; 
  • All presenters must broadcast all scheduled Sponsorship Announcements, Community Service Announcements and Show Promos as part of their program presentation. These scheduled announcements are loaded into 3MDR’s OTS playback system and a schedule is provided in the studios. Presenters should refrain from any negative comments regarding any 3MDR announcements, sponsors, subscribers or shows; 
  • Standard programs are a maximum of two hours. The only time a program may extend beyond two hours is when approved by the Committee of Management and this extension may be removed when there is demand for a spot on the grid; 
  • The right to continue to broadcast is contingent upon all Program Conditions being met in the previous twelve months (or time on air, if less than twelve months) and a successful Program Renewal. All presenters will be advised of their Program Renewal status by the Station. If unsuccessful, notification will be by phone and email with a period of four weeks notice. Where notice has been provided that a program will discontinue, presenters may opt to discontinue their programming immediately; 
  • All presenters must attend advertised quarterly presenters meetings. If unable to attend, it is the presenter’s responsibility to notify the Station Manager or Programming Committee ahead of time in writing; 
  • Any presenter with more than one program may have to relinquish the additional programs, depending on new applications received. Where possible the presenter will retain their preferred time slot; 
  • Each presenter is required to hold a valid Working With Children Check;
  • All presenters and guests must not under any circumstances smoke anywhere on the entire 3MDR Upwey premises. Presenters will be held responsible for their guests. Breaches of this rule puts 3MDR’s lease at serious risk and will result in the immediate termination of the presenter’s show. Smoking on site is against Department of Education regulations; 
  • Where a conflict exists, the parties must follow the Internal Conflict Resolution Procedures. Any formal complaints received by presenters should be forwarded to the Committee of Management via secretary@3mdr.com; & 
  • Where it is believed a presenter, or presenters, is non-compliant with this Agreement they will be requested to attend a meeting with the Committee of Management of 3MDR which may result in disciplinary action or cancellation of their show/s. 

I understand & accept all 3MDR Program Conditions: 




Updated: May 2024

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