Mitch Grainger ~ Plug It In: A Music Review

Written by on December 8, 2023

Mitch’s final single release off his double album was the title track Plug It In. Acoustically it ain’t, but there’s another version where it’s powered up. Of course it’s another cracker. Funny, having been more connected to his acoustic versions with his earlier releases, the last couple I’ve really identified with the electrified variety. Not sure why – it might be a mood thing. I love the Hammond on all the tunes, so it ain’t that. Mitch’s good friend, LA heavyweight session man Arlan Schierbaum, strokes the keys of the ‘Happy’ with grace and style – he certainly puts the smooth into groove.

The acoustic album version dropped on October 27. I’ve also mistakenly had a sneaky preview of the electrified album before it’s release (November 10) and every track is blues with a feeling – blues riffin’ at its best. I do like the six and half minute Carson (Canned Heat) like Boogie harp of That’s AlrightThe stripped back, back (front or side) porch vibe of the acoustical That’s Alright is a very different beast, but I think this is why both albums work so well. As the Oil’s so eloquently sang “We’ve got the best of both world here”. Mitch’s harp work on both albums is crisp and clean with fabulous tone – he definitely puts the hip into hypnotising.

For your aural pleasure, do yourself a service and spin Plug It In – Unplugged and/or Plugged on your radiogram. I’ve had them on high rotation with no tune skipping either.

Ol Shep

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