Tech Subcommittee

3MDR President Ben Langdon is a singer-songwriter and Arts Programmer originally from the Dandenong Ranges. Through his bands The Bean Project and Grand Baxter he has performed at Port Fairy Folk and The National Folk Festivals, showcased at Folk Alliance International, won the FAA’s Young Folk Act of the Year award, and embarked on numerous […]

David Miller is an institution at 3MDR, we wouldn’t be on air if it wasn’t for him! David has been part of the 3MDR family since 1995, presenting a number of shows in that time, and has always had the head technician role.  David fixes, maintains and improves every aspect of 3MDR’s technical operations. From […]

John has had experience recording & engineering music live and in the studio. He’s been a drummer in bands throughout his adult life, and by day, he works as a product designer, specialising in electrical and electronic products. Since March 2020, John has been a presenter on 3MDR, having been introduced to 3MDR through his […]

Jamie (aka JD) is a local hills audio engineer and AV technician with 20+ years in the live event and broadcast industry. He’s passionate about community radio and equally passionate about the tech that runs it. One day he’d like to have a beard as majestic as Phil’s. Jamie joins the 3MDR tech subcommittee in […]

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