
Why leave a bequest to 3MDR? 

You can continue to support community engaged broadcasting into the future by including a bequest to 3MDR in your Will. 

Having a valid Will ensures that the assets you have accumulated over a lifetime can continue to support the causes you are passionate about. It doesn’t have to be a large amount, even a small percentage of your estate after you have provided for your friends and family such as 5% or 10%, will make a significant difference. 


How to make a Will

We suggest that you speak to your solicitor to make sure that your wishes can be carried out in the way you would like. If you should choose to make a new Will or revise an existing Will, please remember to use the correct wording and seek legal assistance. You can also get advice from your local Community Legal Service, Citizens Advice Bureau or pick up a will kit from your Post Office. 

If you have any questions or would like to have a confidential discussion about making a bequest, please contact our Station Manager at or on 9752 5637. 

If you are considering including a clause in your Will, we have suggested wording below. “I give, devise and bequeath, free of all duties and taxes, *_______ to Mountain District Radio Inc (ABN 27 882 272 030) of Forest Park Homestead, Riley Rd Upwey 3158 (or its successor organisation) for its general purposes. An authorised receipt from Mountain District Radio Inc will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee without seeing to the final distribution of the funds.” 


Gifts you might like to consider

There are a number of ways to support our work through your Will, you can: 

  • Include a percentage of the remainder of your estate (known as the residue). To leave a residue gift, insert the phrase “the whole (or …%) of the residue of my estate”
  • Nominate a percentage of your estate that you would like 3MDR to receive (from 1–100%). To leave a percentage of your estate, insert the phrase “The whole (or …%) of my estate”
  • Leave a specific amount of money, real estate, shares etc to 3MDR (known as a pecuniary bequest). If you wish to leave a sum of money, then insert the phrase “Sum of $…… (amount)”
  • To leave an object or property, please describe the object or give the address in the case of property.
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