3MDR Events Policy


3MDR plans, prepares, and manages an Annual Events Calendar which includes a small number of events that provide opportunities to promote the Station and its programs, offer local musicians live, paid performances, connect with 3MDR members and Presenters, engage the local community, and raise awareness of the Station for listeners, community groups, and local businesses.

From time to time, 3MDR receives requests from Presenters/Members, along with external organisations or individuals proposing an event that would rely on 3MDR technical assistance, equipment and staff resources. 


This policy is to ensure that all such events are aligned with 3MDR’s Strategic Plan and its core principles and values; that events are well organised, strategically planned, of high quality, comply with legal/legislative requirements and licences, are inclusive, accessible, safe and strengthen the station’s brand.


  • 3MDR Committee of Management
    • Approve Event proposals and the Annual Events Calendar
  • Events Subcommittee
    • Plan, prepare and manage the Annual Events Calendar; 
    • Receive and respond to  Event Proposals/requests;
    • Provide progress reports  to the Committee of Management for final review; 
    • Appoint working groups.
  • Presenters/Event Managers
    • Submit Event Proposal including budget and detailed requirements;
    • There must be at least two Presenters/ Programs responsible for managing any 3MDR event. 
  • Office Staff
    • Process requests, Expressions of Interest and Event Proposals and submit to Events Subcommittee for assessment; 
    • Be available to assist event managers to fill in the 3MDR Expression of Interest form and/or Event Proposal form and/or help with any event planning questions, especially regarding budget, promotion and any licences/permissions required.


Related Policies and Documents

Events Procedure

Events EOI Proforma


Policy number ENG-004 Version 01
Drafted by Sue Amico Approved by Committee of Management  on July 11 2023
Responsible persons Committee of Management Scheduled review date July 2025


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You Never Can Tell

9:00 am 11:00 am


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