100 Years of 1st Belgrave Scouts At the old 1st Belgrave Scout Hall

Event info
Date: November 10, 2024
Time: 10:00 am

100 Years of 1st Belgrave Scouts

Sunday 10th November 2024

From 10am to 2:00 pm

At the old 1st Belgrave Scout Hall

28 Station St Belgrave 3160


Old photos and converted Super 8 films we be shown and a chance to capture some of the rich history.

As our hall is now hosting 1st Belgrave South Scouts, we will officially hand over the keys.

And in true tradition have a BBQ for those that come.


1st Belgrave Scouts story


In 1924 Scouts make Successful Start of the formation of the 1st Belgrave troop when 14 lads were enrolled as Boy Scouts

This new scout group was supporting young men from overseas providing comradery through outdoor activities.

During the thirties and forties lots of scout activities were conducted at Aura Vale Lake and many troops from town would come out and visit.

Some of the outdoor activities from that period – hiking to the Falls with the object of seeing the Lyre birds, with varying success after having cooked their own lunch.

Leading the ANZAC parade along with the Diggers and brass band.

As part of the State celebrations of the King’s jubilee, arrangements have been made by the S.M. of the 1st Belgrave Troop Boy Scouts for the lighting of a huge bonfire near Terry’s Hill, Belgrave.

Scouts of the three local troops are assisting the organisers of the Waste Collection Scheme, 12 scouts being allotted to the work each Saturday morning.

Belgrave Scouts concert in the Fifties

Very considerable talent was presented at the Methodist Youth Hall on Thursday night on behalf of the Belgrave Scout Troop who are raising money for their own hall. Parents and friends comfortably filled the hall, enjoying the varied programme presented. The cubs and scouts did their share, the cubs with an action song in which Ian Kushbury and Billy Keenan (a born comedian) were principals and the cub pack the chorus, and the scouts with a short one act play.

8th May 1952 Belgrave Scout with the winter setting in it is unfortunate that the Belgrave Scouts have not been able to secure a suitable building for a meeting place.

In the seventies scouts would meet in an old hall down behind the Country Women’s Association of Victoria building in Main St Belgrave.

The 1st Belgrave Scout committee and parents raised funds to build a new hall which was completed in 1961/62 the current hall pictured.

During the sixty’s through to 2000 1st Belgrave scout flourished have many achieve their Queens Scout Award the highest award in Ventures and some going on to achieve the Bayden Powell Award the highest award in Rovers.

This day is the opportunity for all scouts and past members of 1st Belgrave Scouts to get together and celebrate our participation and share our stories and reconnect as friends.

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