Complaints Handling Policy


3MDR accepts formal complaints in writing via letter, email or in person at the 3MDR office. While accepted, we explicitly discourage formal complaints over the phone, text message or via social media platforms.


The purpose of this policy is to outline the most appropriate way for 3MDR to respond to 

complaints, and other comments from members of the public.

3MDR acknowledges the right of our listeners, members and volunteers to:

a) Comment and make complaints in writing concerning alleged non-compliance with both the licence conditions in the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 and the requirements outlined in the Codes,

b) Program content, and

c) The general service provided to the community.

We broadcast at least one on-air announcement each week that contains information about the Codes and where listeners can get a copy.

3MDR will make every reasonable effort to resolve complaints, except where a complaint is clearly frivolous, without sufficient grounds or not made in good faith.

3MDR will ensure that:

  • Complaints will be conscientiously considered, investigated if necessary and responded to substantively as soon as possible,
  • Receipt of complaints will be acknowledged in writing as soon as practicable,
  • The Committee of Management receives copies of all complaints at its next meeting following receipt of the complaint,
  • Complaints will be responded to in writing within 60 days of receipt (as required in the Act) and the response will include a copy of the Codes,
  • Complainants are advised in writing that they have the right to refer their complaint about a Code matter to ACMA provided they have first:
  • Formally lodged their complaint with the licensee, and
  • Received a substantive response from the licensee and are dissatisfied with this response or did not receive a response from the licensee within 60 days after making the complaint. A written complaint or response can be a letter or email.
  • A responsible officer of the licensee will maintain a record of complaints and responses for a period of at least two years from the date of the complaint.
  • The record of complaints and responses will be made available to ACMA on request.

Reporting and Record Keeping

To ensure stations can make a full response to ACMA if requested, the station will include in their procedures the following steps:

  1. To keep a record of material relating to complaints, including audio copies of broadcast material, and written documentation for one year, including:
  • the date and time the complaint was received,
  • the name and contact details of the complainant,
  • the substance of the complaint, and
  • the substance and date of the licensee’s response.
  1. Remember to treat all complaints from the public in a serious and polite manner. The person would not bother to make the complaint unless they held a genuine interest in the station and felt they had legitimate concerns. Do not be dismissive of their approach to the station.
  2. Assure them that their complaint will be taken seriously and will be dealt with professionally and according to established policy.


Policy number GOV-006 Version 02
Drafted by Cath Dear Approved by Committee of Management on April 2020
Responsible persons Committee of Management Scheduled review date 2025



Nature of Complaint

A complaint should relate to a Code of Practice. 








Note: Complaints relating to potentially defamatory material must be relayed to 3MDR’s insurance company immediately including the following information as a minimum:


Program associated with complaint:


Date and Time of Program Broadcast:


Contact Details of Complainant:

Name of person making the complaint:





Telephone: (B)…………………………………..………. (H).……………….…….……………………….

Mobile: …………………………………………………………..……………………………………….………

Email:  …………………………………………………………..………………………………….………….…

Date of complaint:  …………………………………………………………..………………….……………


Complaints Process

This process must be completed within 60 days from the date of the complaint.


Date complaint was reported to the Committee of Management:


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