CBF: Four Community Broadcasting Themes Emerge

Written by on March 24, 2023

From The Community Broadcasting Foundation:

Four draft themes have emerged at this stage of the Roadmap 2033 process:

  • identity
  • collaboration
  • innovation, and
  • impact

These are draft themes with our consultant making it clear that “nothing is decided until everything is decided”. Through the Discussion Paper process starting in April, everyone will be invited to provide feedback to the current thinking that will inform the Roadmap.

Thank you to those who responded to the Values Survey. More than 280 responses were received with the consultant commenting they were considered and fullsome responses from a really good cross-section of the sector in terms of both distribution and weighting. Values will be the theme of the second Leadership Forum being held in Melbourne on Thursday 30 March.

The next step in the Roadmap 2033 process will see subscribers invited to respond to a discussion paper in April that will pose key questions for stakeholders to consider based on the discussions held with stakeholders so far. Insights gathered as part of the project will be made available, as will a guide to hosting a conversation circle as part of preparing feedback to the discussion paper.

For more information visit the Roadmap 2033 website and subscribe for updates.

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