Programming Policy 


The purpose of this Policy is to provide 3MDR with guidelines for 3MDR’s approach towards programming and the responsibilities of the Programming Subcommittee.


Policy Statement

Programming refers to the decisions around what goes to air on 3MDR. 

These decisions are made by a Programming Subcommittee which reviews program applications and makes recommendations to the Committee of Management.

The Programming Subcommittee also monitors 3MDR content to ensure compliance with this policy.  

This policy provides guidance in relation to Programming decisions at 3MDR. 



Programming at 3MDR is led by the following principles:

  1. 3MDR will present a diverse range of community radio programs consistent with the organisational mission and audience profile. 
  2. 3MDR will encourage innovation and experimentation with radio while pursuing a listener friendly format and programming which acknowledges how people listen to radio. 
  3. Where possible, 3MDR will encourage non-member volunteers to input into the Programming  Subcommittee discussions. 
  4. 3MDR programming will: 
    1. explore areas of debate, information, music, and cultural activities not adequately covered by other media; 
    2. encourage listeners to make their own informed and critical judgements; 
    3. endeavour to reveal insights into the social, political and cultural aspects of society;
    4. make sure content is inclusive, fair and respectful; 
    5. emphasise and encourage Australian and Local (as defined by 3MDR’s licence area) content in terms of composition and production; 
    6. present a clear and identifiable station identity. 
  5. The station will provide intergenerational links between our volunteers and the wider community by programming which: 
    1. increases awareness of issues and opportunities for lifelong learning; 
    2. encourages dialogue between people from different backgrounds and generations.
  6. 3MDR will not broadcast material that may:  
    1. incite, encourage, or present for its own sake aggression, violence or brutality,  
    2. mislead or alarm listeners by simulating news or events,  
    3. present as desirable the use of illegal drugs, the misuse of tobacco or alcohol as well as other harmful substances,
    4. glamorise, sensationalise, or present suicide and/or self-harm as a solution to life problems. In particular, broadcast material should not provide explicit details about the method and/or location of a suicide attempt or death,  
    5. support human rights violations, or
    6. support animal cruelty or industries that perpetrate animal cruelty practices. 
  7. 3MDR will attempt to avoid censorship where possible. However, in our programming decisions we will  consider our community interest, context, degree of explicitness, the possibility of alarming the listener,  the potential for distress or shock, prevailing First Peoples laws or community standards and the social importance of the broadcast.  
  8. 3MDR will not broadcast material that is likely to stereotype, incite, vilify, or perpetuate hatred against, or attempt to demean any person or group, on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, race, language, gender,  sexuality, religion, age, physical or mental ability, occupation, cultural belief or political affiliation.  
  9. 3MDR will not broadcast misinformation that contradicts widely accepted facts and evidence such as climate change, pandemics and other global crises. 
  10. The requirements of principles 5, 7 and 8 are not intended to prevent the broadcast of material which is factual or the expression of genuinely held opinion in a news or current affairs program or in the legitimate context of a humorous, satirical or dramatic work. 
  11. 3MDR will have programming practices that protect children from harmful material but will avoid concealing the real world from them.  
  12. 3MDR will follow applicable privacy laws by:  
    1. respecting people’s legitimate right to protection from unjustified use of material which is obtained without consent or through an invasion of privacy,  
    2. only broadcasting the words of an identifiable person where:  
      1. that person has been told in advance that the words may be broadcast, or;  
      2. it was clearly indicated at the time the recording was made that the material would be broadcast, or; 
      3. In the case of words that have been recorded without the knowledge of a person, that person has indicated his/her/their agreement prior to broadcast. 
  13. The station reserves the right to broadcast subject matter and language which some people might find offensive, if such usage is considered appropriate and justified in context. 
  14. The station affords listeners the right of reply to programs, subject to negotiating with the station on an appropriate form of reply.  Refer to 3MDR’s Complaints Policy for detail on this.
  15. 3MDR will ensure program presenters are aware of their responsibility to broadcast scheduled Community Service Announcements and sponsorship announcements as part of their program presentation. These scheduled announcements are loaded into 3MDR’s Ots Player (i.e. Larry Lyrebird software). 
  16. 3MDR will ensure program presenters are aware of the Community Service Announcement folder and encourage presenters to make announcements as appropriate to their program content. The date and time the announcement was made must be recorded.  
  17. 3MDR will ensure that program presenters are aware of 3MDR activities and promotions and encourage them to make announcements during their program. 
  18. 3MDR will conduct a program review annually. 
  19. The Programming Subcommittee and Committee of Management will consider the appropriateness of a Presenter broadcasting on another radio station on a case by case basis. 
  20. 3MDR Presenters must not broadcast material that harms the reputation of the station, including its staff, volunteers or governance bodies. 
  21. 3MDR Presenters must sign and adhere to the 3MDR Presenter Agreement. 
  22. 3MDR gives no guarantee to Presenters in relation to their placement on the station program grid. Decisions regarding the timeslot of programs will be made in the interests of achieving 3MDR’s programming aims. 
  23. 3MDR will observe all relevant laws, regulations and standards applicable to community broadcasting and adhere to the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia’s Codes of Practice.


Related Documents

  • 3MDR Presenter Agreement
  • 3MDR Volunteering Policy
  • 3MDR Programming Subcommittee Terms of Reference


Policy number CON-002 Version 3.0
Drafted by Ren Cuttriss, Nat Grant Approved by Committee of Management  on 9 November 2023
Responsible persons Committee of Management Scheduled review date January 2026


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