3MDR station and studios are wheelchair accessible. The station is all on one level (no stairs).
There is accessible parking and an accessible bathroom on site.
A quiet space is available for anyone who requires it.
For more information or to discuss any accommodations you may require, please contact us: office@3mdr.com or 9752 5637
Getting to 3MDR
Location: Forest Park Homestead. Riley Road, Upwey (adjoining Upwey South Primary School, no direct access via school grounds)
Access: Approach via Morris Road, turn off at Griffith’s Road and proceed to Riley Road.
Direct access to Riley Road from Morris Road is not possible.
Entrance: The first driveway on the left of Riley Road after turning off Griffith’s Road.
Gravel driveway, open gateway with concrete pillars. Follow signage to the carpark.
- Corner Griffiths and Riley Roads
- 3MDR driveway entrance
Driving or Cycling
Untimed parking on site.
From the North via Burwood Highway.
From the South via Glenfern Road.
From Melbourne via Monash Freeway and Wellington Road.
Public Transport
Take the Belgrave Line train to Upwey Station
Exit the station via pedestrian underpass to access Main Street.
The bus stop is a short walk on flat ground.
Turn left from the underpass and cross the road to the bus stop on the opposite side of the road.
Board Route 699 Bus at Upwey Station/Morris Road.
Get off the bus at Upwey South PS/Griffiths’ Road. This will be the third stop.
There will be another short walk on foot to enter via driveway on Riley Road.
- Bus stop for bus 699 on Main St Upwey
- Bus route from Upwey station to 3MDR
Getting into the building
Access to the porch from the carpark via two steps at at the front.
Ramp access to the porch is on the right side.
Dedicated accessible parking is located on the right side of the building and flat concrete path leading to ramp access.
Front door is accessible by ramp (with handrail).
There is a doorbell on the left side of the front door frame.
- 3MDR front door, ramp with handrail, doorbell on left
- Two steps up to our front door
- Accessible path
- Accessible parking opposite accessible path
- Accessible bathroom
Provisions at 3MDR
Our kitchen includes a
Tea and coffee supplies
Milk for the use of guests and presenters
Peripheral amenities
Main Street Upwey offers:
IGA supermarket
Several restaurants, cafes and bakeries
Post office
Bendigo Bank with ATM
7/11 with petrol
Other specialty stores (pets, music, op shop)

3MDR kitchen with hot water urn, dishwasher, stove, oven, microwave and fridge