A Visit to JB

Written by on November 23, 2022

A couple of weeks ago, a bunch of us ventured out to the coutryside to visit JB at home.

He was in good spirits and put on a delicious spread for us all to enjoy, including a sneaky beer or two!

It was absolutely lovely to catch up and have a reminice and a laugh!  For all those who messaged JB during his final show on 3MDR, he send his warmest thanks.  We have forwarded all your messages through as a document, for which the man himself was very thankful.

If you’re missing hearing JB on the wireless…. aren’t we all!!??  I have good news, you can tune into 3BBR at 7am on a Tuesday morning [or anytime on demand] and listen in!!  We may even be able to wrangle an episode or two for 3MDR.

We are planning another visit soon.

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