Defrosted Events – FReeZA Program in Belgrave

Written by on May 27, 2024

The Yarra Ranges Youth Team want to let you know about our upcoming FReeZA Program in Belgrave, Defrosted Events!

If you’ve never heard of Defrosted Events before, we’re a team of young people aged 14-25, who design & host their own local events.

This could look like: festivals, concerts, markets, youth formals – youth imagination can take it anywhere.

The young people build the idea; we help them make the magic happen ✨

In 2024, we’ve already supported:

·       a Youth Book Launch

·       a double-feature movie day in Warburton

·       a Youth Formal in Mooroolbark (more news to come)

·       and the Belgrave Lantern Festival with a Youth Stage!



·       WHEN: Thursday, 6th and 13th of June (and ongoing!)

·       TIME: 4:30pm – 6pm AEST

·       WHERE: Belgrave Community Hub

·       WHO: Youth aged 14-25

·       SIGN UP NOW: Application Form

·       Need help getting to Belgrave? The Youth Team minibus can do pick-ups and drop-offs at Lilydale!

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You Never Can Tell

9:00 am 11:00 am


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