3MDR Committee of Management Seeks New Members

Written by on August 16, 2024

Dear 3MDR community,

The 3MDR Committee of Management seeks interested persons to nominate for the positions of Ordinary Member, Treasurer, and President at our AGM in November 2024.

Applicants must be financial members of 3MDR. To enquire about the nomination process contact secretary@3mdr.com

The Committee of Management (CofM) of 3MDR has an important role to play. The CofM is a collection of individuals (members) who form the ‘leadership group’ of the station. The CofM is primarily responsible for governing, overseeing the affairs of, and making strategic decisions for 3MDR and on behalf of our members.

The 3MDR CofM meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Forest Park Homestead in Upwey, Victoria.  Every year, approximately  4 – 6  of the meetings are formal governance meetings, and others are informal workshops.

You can read about the experience of being on the 3MDR CofM from our newest member, Ben Langdon, here.

Please see the position descriptions via this document and for copies of the complete Office Bearers’ position descriptions, please email secretary@3mdr.com

We look forward to hearing from you!

Yours in Community Radio,

Team 3MDR.

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